Tuesday, August 07, 2007


The little llama, now in her twos, is also now into temper tantrums. Yesterday was about television. Seven minutes of screaming and foot stamping because I said no more television. When I ignored it and sat down to read, she came and stood in front of me, in case I hadn't really noticed the tantrum. I suggested that she go to her room to calm down. She did. Came back moments later, still crying and requesting "elmo countdown" (the desired video). I offered a hug. She climbed in my lap and said "I want to watch television." I said, no, we're all done with television. She said, "I want to watch curious george." I said, no, we're all done with television. She said, "Mommy want to read a book." I said, yes, one book and then dinner. She said, "that's a good compromise."

Thursday, August 02, 2007

and here's another pic of the little llama

I'm not really sure what she's doing in this picture... crowing? roaring? Who knows. But she's having fun and wearing her dancing skirt and that's all that really matters.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007