Thursday, February 26, 2004

Hey, Kerry, you lost my vote!

Well the word is out that Kerry backs state ban on gay marriage. Though he was one of only 14 senators to oppose the Federal Defense of Marriage act, because he thought it was gay bashing, that line of reasoning is apparently out the window. Even an amendment that provides for civil unions would still enshrine discrimination into our state constitution by banning gay marriage. It would be an embarrassment and a smear on Massachusetts's long history of advancing freedom and equality. This is about far more than semantics and far more than "who gets to use the 'm' word." A civil union is likely effective only within this state's borders. It has no portability. It may not provide the many many rights that are federally funded but state administered and it certainly won't allow for a challenge to gain federal rights. I don't know if this is Kerry's true heartfelt belief or that this is political maneuvering. I am sure he's afraid of the label "liberal senator from Massachusetts." Well, he has clearly now proven that that label no longer applies. Shame on you, John.

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