Friday, March 12, 2004

Being a patriot...

As many of you know, this blog is written from Massachusetts, center of the gay-marriage debate. Yesterday was the much awaited constitutional convention in which our elected officials were to decide whether or not to write discrimination into the constitution. After a long day of political and strategic maneuvering, including some surprising votes of supporters of gay marriage (note: strategic maneuvering) they adjourned at 11:40 p.m.

I was there for about 5 hours. But many many others had been there since 8am. Singing their hearts out. Yes, singing. Hundreds of us stood outside the chamber where our legislators were doing their thing and we sang 'till we were hoarse. Bags of cough drops were being passed around. What most moved me was that what we sang were patriotic songs: America the Beautiful, God Bless America, My Country 'Tis of Thee, and The Star Spangled Banner. I have never sung that many patriotic songs in my life. I think I have always felt a little fearful of flag-waving patriotism, believing that it was reserved for right-wing conservatives, the kind who would not look kindly on my family's historically left leanings. (Yes, there are communists on my family tree). But as I sang the words to some of these songs, they took on new meaning. This debate, and, more importantly, this activism is truly patriotic. God Bless America... Land that I love. My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing... from every mountainside, let freedom ring. We are singing for liberty and freedom and justice. God bless America, my home sweet home. Because even though I'm only half-joking when I say I'm moving to Canada if Bush stays in the White House, this is my country. And, I want my country to live up to its values. I want it to honor and protect freedom and equality. It's our country too.

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